Mercantile Exchange
Of VietNam

Assistance to investors


Trading on commodity derivatives markets is a full potential investment channel, yet remains relatively novel for Vietnamese financial investors. To succeed in this field, the investor needs to be equipped with industry knowledge and to keep yourself updated to the global market evolution. However, with a large number of products, traded on a variety of international futures exchanges across many time zones, the diversified and continuously-updated amount of information in different languages should be a big challenge for investors wishing to enter the market.

Understanding this difficulty, MXV’s dynamic and sensitive market analyzing team will provide traders with close-to-market information and figures, ongoing socioeconomic and political events all around the world which may impact commodities’ prices, useful for investors to assess generally the market and to make clairvoyant and efficient decisions. MXV’s operational departments will always accompany trading members and investors, especially in explaining questions related to technical operations and coordinating multilaterally to cope with unforeseen incidents. 

With the mission to spread and provide knowledge about a new investment channel in Vietnam, Research and Education Centre on Commodity Derivatives (abbreviated as EduCentre) is in charge of planning and organizing training courses, from basic to in-depth level, improving specific operational know-how and working skills on the commodity futures market and some related financial instruments. EduCentre’s training programs are built up methodically and arious needs of learners. All of EduCentre’s didactic documents are highly selective and updated with, modern and commonly-recognized knowledge about commodity derivatives. After having participated in a training course and passed an exam, the learner will receive a certificate which asserts that he/she has already acquired fundamental knowledge to join trading on the commodities market. One who has gained further knowledge, if profound enough, can become a broker or a consultant to investors in an MXV’s trading member company.

Furthermore, MXV also intends to hold periodic seminars and scientific conferences on the topic of trading on the commodities market, with the participation of national, even international, experts, analysts, strategists. To some extent, all of these activities shall be targeted to form and promote a professional, transparent and efficient investment environment.