Mercantile Exchange
Of VietNam


  • COMEX Silver

    Trading Screen Product Name

    COMEX Silver

    Commodity Code


    Contract Size

    5 000 troy ounces / lot

    Price Quotation

    USD / troy ounce

    Trading Hours

    Monday - Friday
    05:00 A.M - 04:00 A.M
    (the next day)

    Minimum Price Fluctuation

    0.005 USD / troy ounce

    Contract Series

    As MXV required

    Delivery Registration Day

    The fifth business day prior to the First Notice Day

    First Notice Day

    Last day of trading of the month preceding the contract month.

    Last Trading Day

    The third last business day of the contract month.


    As MXV required

    Position Limit

    As MXV required

    Price Limit

    As MXV required

    Settlement Method


    Quality Standards

    Standards are detailed below